Air Conditioning Load Calculators for Energy Efficient and Effective Comfort to a Building’s Occupants

 The primary requirement for an air conditioning unit is that its cooling output be greater than the heat gain of the space. An air conditioningload calculator provides building engineers with an approximate value for heat gain and assists in determining the best cooling solution. Heat gain is calculated by taking into account several factors, including the size of the area to be cooled, window sizes and positions, the number of occupants, and heat from electrical equipment, machinery, and plant. The air conditioning load calculator can be used to provide information for equipment selection, system sizing, and system design, as well as to perform partial load analysis for operations, control, and system design. It also provides data for the best load reduction options.

It will take into account more factors in addition to the ones mentioned above, such as window shading, the material used in the construction of a building, the location of the building, and the thermal properties of the building. Choosing the proper size for a new air conditioning system is critical for providing energy-efficient and effective comfort to the occupants of a building. The following are some of the useful air conditioning load calculators provided by ACADS-BSG, a trusted developer of softwarefor building services designers. It should be noted that these air conditioning load calculators are intended to provide a quick check of heat loads and should not be used in place of professional advice. You should contact the experts for a tailored solution if you want the best solution for your needs.

KOALA air conditioning load calculator

The KOALA computer program estimates air conditioning loads in small buildings. Designers and contractors working on the installation of air conditioning units in small commercial and residential buildings use the software for building services designers. The KOALA air conditioning load calculator generates a load chart for up to ten different zones in a building. Drop-down selection menus, mouse operations, and other WINDOWS features make data entry simple.

Key features of KOALA software for building services designers

·       The computer program provides an hourly load estimate, taking account of thermal storage on a design day in each month of the year.

·       The air conditioning load calculator can be used to analyse buildings in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere where the users can enter their own design conditions for locations not provided in the program.

·       Graphics are provided on windows and external walls and roof screens to assist the users in checking their input data.

·       “U values” for a wide range of commonly encountered walls and roofs are located in the KOALA air conditioning load calculator that can be accessed via a dropdown list on the external screen.

·       The results of KOALA include a cooling and heating load chart for each zone, summary results, and tables that can be individually selected using check-boxes to build up a print file. Templates are also provided to allow for a number of present result selections.

CAMEL for load estimation and psychrometrics

The CAMEL psychrometrics calculator computes the design heating and cooling loads, as well as the associated psychrometrics, for air conditioning plants in buildings. The computer program CAMEL performs an extremely thorough analysis and is currently used by over 250 organisations in Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia. The program simulates a variety of system types, including constant volume heating and cooling, variable air volume with and without reheat, evaporative coolers, and reverse cycle heat pumps.

Technical details of CAMEL air conditioning load calculator

·       Specific monthly 3 pm design dry and wet bulb temperatures are available in the CAMEL computer program of over 600 locations in Australia, and many more offshore locations.

·       The air conditioning load calculator carries out a psychrometrics analysis for each AHU with the coil performance expressed by a bypass factor.

·       Fresh air quantities can be entered in the CAMEL software for building services designers at room or zone level as I/s/person with the plant fresh air quantities determined by the multiple Compartment formula from AS1668-2-2012 for multiple rooms/zones.

·       The CAMEL computer program caters to overhangs, complete with drop panels and reveals on both windows and walls. Shading on roofs and from adjacent buildings can also be modelled.

·       Wall rotations can be at any azimuth, and the entire building can be easily rotated.

·       The result viewing and printing screen of CAMEL air conditioning load calculator provides for the selection of various tables, load charts, summaries, etc., in either viewing and printing mode.

·       The results can also be displayed graphically and a psychrometrics chart is provided for each AHU.

PYTHON for designing water piping systems for air conditioning, DOLPHIN for sizing and pressure drop calculations of duct runs, LLAMA for lift design for commercial buildings, DONKEY for sizing, acoustical analysis, and costing of ductwork systems, and many more are examples of useful ACADS-BSG software for building services designers.


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