Which are the Top Air Conditioning Load Calculators and Building Services Software that Engineers Prefer to Use?

 Building services software, such as an air conditioning load calculator, allow building services managers to adopt a systematic approach to their various building services tasks, such as installation of HVAC systems. Businesses can’t afford service delays and communication gap that results not only in disorganisation of tasks but also creates a bad impression about a business. Building services software are used by engineers, contractors and building managers to improve the efficiency of their operations while reducing costs at the same time.

There are a number of complicated engineering calculations that HVAC engineers make when sizing and installing an air conditioning system in a building. With all their automaton features, air conditioningload calculator saves a lot of time for building engineers. The software will take into account other things, such as shading to windows, location of the building, and thermal properties of the building. It will take into account indoor and outdoor design conditions, building components, and ventilation and infiltration conditions that result in accurate calculations and improved efficiency of the installed HVAC. 3-D simulation modelling provides a realistic view to the building engineers about how the installation will look like and work when completed.

Some of the popular air conditioning load calculator software by ACADS-BSG, the leading building services software company are discussed below.

CAMEL for building air conditioning load analysis and psychrometrics calculator

CAMEL air conditioning load calculator calculates the design heating and cooling loads and associated psychrometrics for air conditioning plant in buildings. It models a range of system types including constant volume heating and cooling, VAV with and without reheat, reverse cycle heat pumps, and evaporative coolers.

Key features of CAMEL air conditioning load calculator:

  • The computer program CAMEL caters to overhangs complete with drop panels and reveals on both windows and walls. Shading on roofs and from adjacent buildings can also be modelled.
  •  Shadow patterns of shading devices can be viewed as they traverse any selected wall or roof as the time and month vary.
  •  An hourly cooling load analysis is performed by CAMEL air conditioning load calculator, taking into account thermal storage, on a design day in each month of the year.
  • Specific monthly 3 pm design dry and wet bulb temperatures are available in CAMEL computer program for over 600 locations in Australia and many other offshore locations.
  •  Fresh air quantities can be entered in the CAMEL air conditioning load calculator at room level as I/s/person with the plant fresh air quantity using the Compartment Formula from AS1668-1991 for multiple rooms and zones.
  • A comprehensive set of CAMEL air conditioning load calculator results includes summary tables of loads and air quantities, load charts and tables of check figures.
  • The results viewing and printing screen of CAMEL compute program provides for the selection of various tables, load charts, summaries, etc. in either printing or viewing mode. The selected output then can be passed to a print file for review before final printing.

KOALA air conditioning load calculator

KOALA is a cut down version of CAMEL air conditioning load calculator which is designed for small commercial and residential buildings. It produces a load chart for up to 10 zones in a building.

Salient features of KOALA air conditioning load calculator

  • The computer program KOALA performs an hourly load estimate, taking into account thermal storage on a design day in each month of the year.
  • Graphics are provided on the windows and external walls and roofs screens to assist users with checking their input data.
  • U values for a wide range of commonly encountered walls and roofs are stored in KOALA air conditioning load calculator which can be accessed via a drop-down list on an external screen.
  •  The air quantity for each zone is determined by KOALA air conditioning load calculator, based on the leaving coil temperature or by-pass factor entered by the user.
  •  Internal loads include people, lights and equipment loads both for sensible and latent loads.
  •  The results of KOALA air conditioning load calculator include a cooling and heating load chart for each zone, summary results and tables that can be individually selected.
  • Templates are provided in KOALA computer program to allow for a number of pre-set result selections.
  •  The results of two KOALA runs can also be compared on screen.
  •  Summary results of KOALA air conditioning load calculator include summary results for each zone and tables of cooling loads and air quantities for each zone and for the sum of all zones.

Other useful building services software by ACADS-BSG include DOLPHIN for sizing and pressure drop calculations of duct runs, PYTHON for the design of water piping system for air conditioning, DONKEY for sizing, acoustical analysis and costing of ductwork systems, WOMBAT for sound transmission in and around buildings, and many more. 


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