Air Conditioning Load Calculators for Efficient Planning, Installation and Maintenance of Building Services

 Whether you run a small business or a large corporation, there are numerous activities that must be coordinated in order for it to function optimally. Building services software allows you to plan the installation and maintenance activities of a building in an efficient manner. Building services software, such as an air conditioning load calculator, assists building engineers and maintenance managers in their daily operations by centralising many different steps of HVAC facility management, such as planning, installation and implementation, repair scheduling, cost management, and compliance standards.`

HVAC engineers should perform numerous complex and advanced engineering calculations. The air conditioner's cooling output exceeds the heat gain of the space. The air conditioning load calculator provides building engineers with an appropriate value of this heat gain to assist them in determining the best cooling solution. Many other factors, such as window shading, the size of the space that needs cooling, the number of people who occupy the space, heat from electrical equipment, machinery, and plant, location of premises, and thermal properties of the building, are taken into account by the air conditioning load calculator.

Air conditioning load calculator provides quick and accurate calculations with simulations for quick HVAC system installation. Some of the most popular air conditioning load calculators used by building engineers in Australia and around the world are listed below:

CAMEL air conditioning load calculator

The leading building services software company ACADS-computer BSG's program CAMEL calculates the design heating and cooling loads, as well as the associated psychrometrics, for air conditioning plants in buildings. The air conditioning load calculator simulates a variety of system types, including constant volume heating and cooling, variable volume heating and cooling with and without reheat, reverse cycle heat pumps, and evaporative coolers. It accommodates overhangs with drop panels and reveals on both windows and walls. Roof shading and shading from adjacent buildings can also be modeled in the CAMEL computer program.

Other key features of CAMEL air conditioningload calculator include:

  •  The computer program performs an hourly cooling load analysis, taking into account thermal   storage, on a design day in each month of the year.
  •   Specific monthly 3 pm design dry and wet bulb temperatures are available in CAMEL   computer  program for over 600 locations in Australia and for many offshore locations.
  •  It performs a psychrometric analysis of each AHU with the coil performance expressed as a by-   pass factor, leaving coil temperature or nominated air quantity including fixed bypass and dump  back systems.
  •  Fresh air quantities can be entered at room temperature in CAMEL air conditioning load calculator at room or zone level as I/s/person with the plant fresh air quantity then determined using the Compartment formula from AS1668-1991 for multiple rooms/zones.
  • Precalculated “U values” and surface densities for a wide range of standard wall and roof constructions are available in CAMEL computer program.

KOALA for air conditioning load estimation

KOALA is a computer program that estimates air conditioning loads in small buildings. The KOALA air conditioning load calculator software generates a load chart for up to ten zones in a building. This simplified version of the CAMEL air conditioning load calculator generates a detailed load chart outlining the input and design data used to generate each individual component of the load.

Other key features of the KOALA air conditioning load calculator are provided below:

  •  Monthly critical or comfort, summer and winter design conditions for over 600 locations   in Australia and for many locations in New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and South East Asia are readily available in KOALA through a drop-down list.
  • Graphics are provided on the windows and external walls and roof screens to assist   users with checking their input data.
  • The computer program calculates internal loads including people, lights and equipment   loads, for both sensible and latent loads.
  • The computer program KOALA can be used to analyse buildings in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. The users can enter their own design conditions for locations not provided in the air conditioning load calculator KOALA.
  •  The results of KOALA air conditioning load calculator include a cooling and heating load chart for each zone.
  •  Templates are provided in KOALA for a number of preset result selections.
  •   Contact sensitive help is available for all items of input.
  •    Summary results and tables can be individually selected using checkboxes in KOALA air conditioning load calculator to build up a print file. The tables include the summary results for each zone, and tables of cooling loads and air quantities for each zone and for the sum of all zones. 

PYTHON for the design of water piping systems for air-conditioning, LLAMA for lift design for commercial buildings, WOMBAT for sound transmission in and around buildings, DOLPHIN for sizing and pressure drop calculations for duct runs, and many more are examples of useful building services software from ACADS-BSG.


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