Enhance the Effectiveness of Your Building Services with These Software By The Leading Building Design Firm


Building services design software makes it possible for building the designers to speed up their work by simplifying advanced engineering calculations and providing a 3-D simulation before the actual installation of a building facility or system. This way, the designers can achieve accuracy in their work, reduce the possibility of human error and also reduce costs with automated completion of various tasks. Here, we will discuss some of the popular software solutions from by ACADS-BSG, the leading building services design software firm.



The fire hydraulic calculation software HYENA+ provides an analysis of simple as well as complicated looped and gridded systems. For a given size network, the program performs a complete hydraulic analysis determining the water flow in, and pressure drop through each pipe in the entered network.

Key features of HYENA+ fire hydraulic calculation software include:

The computer program can be used to carry out a sprinkler system analysis in accordance with NFPA, NZ4541, AS2118 and SSPC52 specifications.

The piping system can have up to 10 input points as fixed pressure, a town mains water supply or a pump.

All nodes that are not nominated as discharges by the user are automatically assigned as reference nodes.

When pipe sizes are entered as nominal sizes, HYENA+ computer program determines the actual I.D. from the stored data for different pipe materials.

On the Pipes entry screen, columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order to find particular nodes or pipes. A global change check box allows the global changing of pipe diameters or lengths by the user.

A wide range of fittings is provided for with equivalent lengths stored in the program.

HYENA+ fire hydraulic calculation software can be sued to determine the design point given the K-factor and minimum discharge of each sprinkler head or hose reel.

Provision is made in HYENA+ program for gridded layouts to be entered easily.

A graphical display of the grid is provided for the user to display pipe numbers, node numbers, pipe diameters and lengths.

Sprinkler elevations can be fixed at a given height that can be entered individually across a grid row, or as a single slope or pitched slope across the grid row.

Range checks are carried out on all input items by the program as they are entered. Rigorous cross-checks are made by the building services design software with a validation button.

The calculations by HYENA+ use a process of matrix inversion to solve the differential equations for each loop in the system.

The summary results of HYENA+ fire hydraulic calculation software include a summary of the flows and pressures for all discharges and for all input options.


The ACADS-BSG fire hydraulic calculation software is designed specifically for use in North America. It may also be used to analyse fire hydrant and hose reel installations or combined sprinkler, hydrant and/or hose reel systems or any other systems where the discharges can be represented by a K-factor and minimum flow.

Key features of SPRINK2000 fire hydraulic calculation software include:

The computer program is capable of analysing looped and gridded systems and the more conventional tree configuration.

Piping materials complying with a wide range of nodes are catered by the program including steel, iron, and copper to North American piping codes.

Booster pumps and backflow preventer can be included in the program and check valves can be made to restrict flow to one direction in a given pipe.

Range checks are carried out on all input items as they are entered, and rigorous cross-checks are made with a validation button that turns red when there are errors and green when there are no errors.

For design estimation purposes, the program can also determine quantities in the system including pipe lengths and the number of fittings, categorized by pipe material type and diameter.

The grid commands can be converted into the longhead detailed individual pipe and sprinkler specification.

The results of SPRINK2000 provides hydraulic analysis of fire sprinkler and hydrant system include a summary of the flows and pressure for all discharges and for all input points. This is followed by a detailed table of pipe information including the total equivalent length and pressure drop.


ACADS-BSG is the leading building services design software firm, with many more building services design software for the use0020of contractors, HVAC professionals, engineers, etc. for use in Australia, New Zealand, S.E. Asia, USA, and other regions of the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Some of the tools provided by ACADS-BSG building services design software include:

CAMEL: This air conditioning load estimation and psychometrics software calculates the design heating and cooling loads and associated psychometrics for air-conditioning plants. The licensed program by ACADS-BSG building services design software firm is already being used by over 250 organizations throughout Australia, New Zealand, and South East Asia.

DOLPHIN: The DOLPHIN computer program calculates the pressure loss of a series of ducts and fittings, enabling a user to determine the required fan pressure for a duct network. The program can also size selected ducts using an entered pressure drop/meter.

Other building services program by ACADS-BSG include DONKEY for sizing acoustical analysis and costing of ductwork systems, PYTHON for designing of water piping system for air-conditioning, WOMBAT for sound transmission in and around buildings, and many more. For more information, get in touch with ACADS-BSG.


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