Air Conditioning and Building Services Software to Design in 3D Simulations for Speedier Installation

 Building services software is used by contractors, HVAC professionals, designers and other professionals to simulate the installation of air conditioning units, sprinklers, ductwork, lift design, sound transmission, acoustical analysis, etc. in buildings of various sizes. The software is designed for use in Australia, New Zealand, and specific regions of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The software is highly useful in speeding up building services design work and also significantly reduces the cost of operations with automation and accuracy.

Here, we will discuss some of the commonly used building cooling load calculation and air conditioning load calculation software used by industry professionals.


This air conditioning loadcalculator is used to calculate the design heating and cooling loads and associated psychometrics for an air conditioning plant in buildings. The program models a range of system types including constant volume heating and cooling, reverse cycle heat pumps and VAV with or without reheat. It caters for overhanging complete with drop panels and reveals on both windows and walls. Drop panels, light wells, balconies, and all manners of shading schemes can be modelled by the CAMEL air conditioning load calculator.

Key technical details of CAMEL include:

Specific monthly 3 pm design dry and wet, both temperatures are available in CAMEL for over 600 locations in Australia and many offshore locations.

Fresh air quantities can be entered at room or zero level as I/s/person with the plant fresh air quantity then determined with the help of Compartment Formula from AS1668-1991 for multiple rooms and zones.      

Additional data for light weight roofs, down to 10 kg/m2 has been incorporated in the program to analyse buildings with lightweight metal deck or similar roofing.

Pre-calculated U values and surface densities for a wide range of standard wall and roof constructions are available in CAMEL building cooling load calculation software.

The results viewing and printing screen provides for the selection of various tables, load charts, summaries, etc.


This building cooling load calculation software is a cut down version of CAMEL. It is designed for use by contractors and designers working on the installation of air conditioning units in small commercial and residential buildings. KOALA building cooling load calculation software provides a load chart for up to 10 zones in a building. The program produces a detailed load chart that sets out the input data and design data used for each individual component of the load.

Key features of KOALA building cooling load calculation software include:

The program performs an hourly load estimate, taking account of thermal storage on a design day in each month of the year.

Graphics are provided on the windows and external walls and roofs screens to assist users with checking their input data.

Internal loads of KOALA air conditioning load calculator include people, lights, and equivalent loads, both sensible and latent.

Results of KOALA include a cooling and heating load chart for each zone, summary results and tables.

Templates are provided to allow a number of result selections.

The results from two KOALA runs can also be compared on the screen.

Other useful building services software by ACADS-BSG include:

HYENA: The computer program can be used to carry out automatic fire sprinkler and hydrant piping analysis.

PYTHON: Thise program provides the design of the water piping system for air conditioning.

DONKEY: DONKEY is used for sizing, acoustical analysis and costing of ductwork systems.

ACADS-BSG has designed many building services software that you will find highly useful as a building systems professional. For more information on building cooling load calculation, air conditioning load calculators and other building services software by ACADS-BSG, please visit their website.


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