Achieve optimal HVAC performance with specialized duct pressure drop calculator software

Fans consume a great deal of energy and their efficiency is crucial to preventing waste. Pressure drop calculation through a ducted network is important to maintain the efficiency of a duct network. Current building designs focus on energy efficiency and cost-effective installation of an air conditioning system which can be achieved with the help of software that provides realistic simulations to engineers, technicians, contractors, builders and other vendors.
For a HVAC system to operate normally, equipment capabilities must match the needs of the air duct system. Its air handling system must be capable of overcoming the duct pressure drop and loss in static pressure. HVAC professionals need building services software that allows them to simulate a duct network for efficient working and cost-effective installation. Here, we will discuss some popular building services software that makes project work a lot easier by eliminating the tedious manual work.
DOLPHIN is a specialized duct pressure drop calculation software that calculates the pressure loss of a series of ducts and fittings. It can be used to determine the required fan pressure for a duct network. Fittings are selected for each duct entered in the network and Dolphin then calculates the pressure loss in each length of the duct and fitting. Supply ducts and fittings can be entered on one screen while return ducts can be entered on the second screen.
Technical details of Dolphin
Ø  The duct pressure drop calculator software can perform an hourly cooling load analysis, taking into account thermal storage on a design day.
Ø  Specific monthly 3 pm design dry and wet bulb temperatures are available for over 600 locations in Australia and many other offshore locations all over the world.
Ø  A psychometric analysis for each AHU with the coil performance expressed as a bypass factor is done by the program.
Ø  Fresh air quantities can be entered at room or zone level as i/s/person.
Ø  Additional data for lightweight roofs is provided in the program to analyze buildings with lightweight metal deck or similar kind of roofing materials.
Ø  Pre-calculated U values and surface densities for a wide range of wall and roof constructions are available in the Dolphin computer program.

Summary results provided by Dolphin duct pressure drop calculation software include the total pressure loss of the supply and return ducts and fittings. AHU pressure losses can be entered to obtain the total system (fan) pressure loss. The maximum velocity of the supply and return ducts is also displayed in the summary. The supply and return screens can be exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which can be printed. The results viewing and printing screen allows for the selection of various tables, load charts and summaries in either viewing or printing mode.

Donkey is an air conditioning ductwork design software that determines the size of a duct network and carriers out its complete acoustical analysis. It can determine quantities for costing purposes and operates via a set of add-on menus in AutoCAD. The duct layout can be entered as a line diagram including all the fittings, fans and terminals. All the related parameters such as the duct insulation and sizing method can be entered in the dialog boxes that are called up on the screen.
Donkey air conditioning duct design software allows for automatic insertion of fittings and connection of run out ducts to terminals. This allows for the utilization of powerful and comprehensive calculations. Various alternative designs can be quickly and thoroughly investigated to achieve a cost-effective design. Ducts can be drawn while terminals, fans, and fittings can be inserted with the help of pull-down menus. The data for calculations is extracted from the drawings which are performed via the items in the Utilities Menu.
These are the two popular air conditioning software by ACADS-BSG, the leading provider of building services software for use in Australia, New Zealand and other regions in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Some of other building services software
Koala: This air conditioning load estimation computer program produces a load chart for up to 10 zones in a building. It is based on the CARRIER air conditioning load estimation design method. It produces a detailed load chart that sets out the input data and design data used to produce each individual component of the load. It performs an hourly load estimate. Windows can have shading from overhangs and reveals. Internal loads incorporated in Koala include people, lights and equipment loads, both sensible and latent.
Wombat: This building services software performs a series of the octave and or 1/3rd octave band acoustical calculations for sound transmission issues in and around the buildings. Interactive data input is available through dialogue boxes and drop-down selection lists. User-entered typical sound pressure and sound power levels and absorption coefficients can be stored in the program. Screen results from different runs can be compared both numerically and graphically in Wombat.
ACADS-BSG has also come up with many more specialized software products for building services professionals. The applications are designed in a user-friendly and intuitive way with comprehensive in-screen help.

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