Air Conditioning Heat Load Calculations Made Easy With Professional Software Programs

If you’re a HVAC professional, you will require air conditioning heat load calculation software that you can use to input data for various dimensions of walls, windows, partitions, and the number of occupants in a particular space. The software will automatically calculate the heat load required for the effective cooling of a space, and recommend the tonnage for the air-conditioning unit needed for that particular space.

As a HVAC designer, you will work directly with construction engineers to install the AC with the right tonnage. For this, heat load calculation is needed to determine the best size and style of HVAC systems used in commercial and residential buildings. HVAC contractors often opt for large sized equipment that results in increased utility bills and inefficient operation costs. Many contractors just check the label on the system for sizing and efficiency. However, this method does not work for modern buildings which are in need of increased efficiencies and comfort.

A good air conditioning heat load calculation software program can perform accurate calculations much faster, so you can save a lot of time in choosing and installing the right unit for your project.

Most accurate engineering calculations

However, the calculations provided by the software are the best estimates; the actual load requirement can vary slightly, based on the material used in constructing the building, the occupant’s lifestyle and various other factors. However, the software certainly provides better and faster results than manually doing all these calculations, and expecting anything more than the program’s estimate would not be a good idea.

ACADS-BSG is a leader in developing software for building services, including air conditioning heat load calculation software packages. The company provides software and tools for building and construction industry professionals to design and check building services for both new and existing buildings.

CAMEL is a popular air conditioning heat load calculation software by ACADS-BSG that calculates the design heating and cooling loads and associated psychometrics for air-conditioning plants in buildings. The comprehensive analysis program models a range of system types including:

  • Constant volume heating and cooling
  • HAV with and without reheat
  • Reverse cycle heat pumps, and
  •  Evaporative coolers

The program caters to overhangs, complete with drop panels and reveals on both windows and walls. The program provides you the ability to view the shadow patterns of shading devices as they traverse any selected wall. The program gives proper consideration to the effect of an external shading device that shades a window. Summary tables of loads and air-quantities and load charts are also provided that can be selected using a series of checkboxes. It performs an hourly cooling load analysis, taking into account thermal storage. Specific monthly 3 pm design dry and wet bulb temperatures are available for over 600 locations in Australia, New Zealand and other regions.

AC heat calculation software for small buildings

KOALA is another air conditioning heat load calculation program by ACADS-BSG that can be used for estimating air conditioning loads in small units. The program is best suited for use by any designers and contractors working on installing air-conditioning units. It produces a detailed load chart that sets out the input data and design data for each individual component of the load. Data entry is made easy with the drop-down selection menus. This makes it easy to use, as the program performs extensive checks on the data you use and alerts you if it finds any issue.

Graphics are provided for windows, external walls and roof screens to help the users in checking their input data. The program can be used for analyzing buildings in Northern and Southern Hemispheres and allows the users to enter their own design conditions if these are not provided in the program.

Custom input and editing of data

The programs allow for editing the weather data for specific city conditions. The software comes with advanced features such as calculations for the peak heating and cooling loads, complete psychometric analysis, and different air rates for summers and winters.

Try ACADS-BSG’s software programs for the best results for your HVAC projects. We have specialized software for use in northern and southern hemispheres.  You will come to understand why so many professionals from across Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the Americas and other regions of the world use our software.


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